Angular 17
Angular Course
Angular Training in Noida with Angular 17 and Angular 18 by 12+ Experience IIT Alumni Corporate Trainer with Live Project. Angular Online and Weekend Batches at Tech Altum, Noida.
Angular also known as Angular 2x+ is an open source development platform and web application framework, written in typescript and developed by Google. Angular is rewritten version of angular js. The latest version of angular is angular 18.
Angular follows MVC design pattern, unlike Angular JS which was based on MVWW.
Any Web Developer ( Front-End Developer or Backend Developer on any platform) can learn Angular as Angular is not based on JavaScript. Angular use TypeScript which transpile TypeScript Code into JavaScript on runtime. Angular is also used in Software Development, Mobile Apps Development.
Angular Course
Angular 18 is the latest stable version of angular 2. Angular 4 (First Stable version of Angular) was introduced in Mar 2017. In this course we will cover typescript, components, nested components, attribute directives, structural directives,services, pipes, forms, CLI, Server Side Rendering & modules with Project.
Prerequisites for Angular
- CSS3
- JavaScript in Depth with ES6 to ES2024
Angular Course Content
Angular Introduction
- What is Angular
- Angular advantage
- Angular Versions
- Setup angular project and IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
Typescript is a superset of JavaScript ES6.
- What is Typescript
- Types
- Typescript Classes
- Interface
- Inheritance
- Constants and scoped variables
- Modules
Angular Components
- Creating Components
- Templating
- Interpolation
- Property Binding
- Event Binding
Angular Directives
Attribute Directives
- ngStyle
- ngClass
Structural Directives
- ngIf
- ngFor
- ngSwitch
Creating Attribute directive
Nested Components
- Passing data to nested component
- Passing data to parent component
Advanced Components
- Component Lifecycle
- Element Ref
- Encapsulating Component Styles
- Building Service
- Registering the service
- Injecting service
- Observables
- Retrieving data using HTTP
- Exception Handling
- Using inbuilt pipes
- Creating custom pipes
- Template Driven forms
- Reactive Forms
- Form validations
- Creating custom validations
- How routing works
- Configuring routes
- Redirecting route to another route
- Defining links
- Using route parameters
- Defining Child Routes
- Controlling access to routes with Route Guard
- Activating a Route with code
- Why Modules?
- Creating a Feature module
- Adding component, pipes and services
- Creating a Shared module
- Injecting and accessing Shared module's Components, Pipes & Services
- Lazy loading module
Server Side Rendering
- SEO Problem in Angular Applications
- What is Server Side Rendering?
- How to use Server Side Rendering
- Test SSR
Additional Topics
- Angular CLI
- Custom provider for existing Services
- Building and packaging for production
- Analyzing the bundle and refactoring
- AOT and JIT Compiler
- Deployment in Production
- Duration: 25 hours
- Slot: Weekends( 1 Hour Each)
Enquiry Form
Angular Training Features
- 8 to 12 Students in a batch
- Special Focus on Practical
- Online Study Material.
- Trainer having 12+ years Industrial Experience.
- Special Weekend batches
- Project Included
- Free Revision Option in next batches.
Why Tech Altum
- MSME Registered Training Institute in Noida
- ISO certified Training Institute
- Run by Ex IIT Alumni
- Microsoft Registered Training Partner
- 100% Job Assistance
- Fully AC Classrooms with Projector
- Lab Facility with Genuine Softwares.