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Android Training

Android Training Noida
Android Apps Development Training
Android Training

Android Apps Development

Android Training in noida by 9+ Experience Faculty.

Android is an open source Mobile operating system based on Linux Kernal and Developed by Google. It includes an OS, middleware and some key applications. The biggest advantage is that the success of Android depends on the availability of unique and engaging user applications created by developers.

Tech Altum's Android Apps Development Course is meant for those, who want to start their career in software development as an Android Developer. Android Apps development is one of the highest paying job in IT Sector. An android developer can build apps for android phones, android tablets and android TVs.

Android Course Objective

To understand the apps design, development, debugging, and deployment of Android applications on both emulator and real device.

Quick recap of Core JAVA

  • Arrays and Enhanced for loop
OOPS programming in Java
  • Class and object
  • Various types of constructors
  • Instance methods and static methods
  • Use of this keyword
  • Use of super keyword
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • Package and various scope rules
  • Abstract class and interfaces
  • Use of static, final keyword
  • Annotations
  • Anonymous class
  • Anonymous object
  • Nested classes

Exception handling in Java

  • Type of errors
  • try block
  • catch block
  • finally block
  • unchecked exception
  • checked exceptions

String Handling (String, StringBuilder, StringBuffer) Collections (ArrayList, LinkedLIst, HashMap etc...) Wrapper classes

Multithreading programming

  • Thread class
  • Runnable interface

Android App Development

Introduction to Android

  • What is Android?
  • Devices based on Android
  • Android Story
  • Application components

Setting up Android Studio Development Enviornment

  • Hardware requirements
  • Software requirements
  • Installation of JDK
  • Installation of Android Studio

Getting Started with Android Studio

  • How to change theme?
  • How to change font size?
  • How to change Update settings?
  • Code completion
  • Parameter information
  • Code generation
  • Quick documentation lookup
  • Optimizing imports
  • Code folding
  • Design mode
  • Text mode

Android Architecture

  • Android software stack
  • Linux kernel
  • Android Runtime (ART)


  • What is Activity?
  • Creating an Activity
  • Basic Activity
  • Empty Activity
  • Google Maps Activity
  • Activity life cycle
  • Hiding or Changing the Activity Title
  • Hiding the ActionBar of Activity

Running Application

  • What is AVD?
  • Creating Custom AVD
  • Running App on AVD
  • Simulating call in AVD
  • Simulating SMS in AVD
  • Running App on Real Device


  • Basics of Intents
  • Explicit Intents
  • Implicit Intents
  • Creating Intent
  • Intent filters
  • Intent filter Collision
  • Sending Data
  • Receiving Data
  • Calling built-in applications
  • Pending Intents
  • Checking Intent Availability
  • Activate Activities
  • Activate Services
  • Activate Broadcast Receivers

User Interface

  • What is View?
  • What is ViewGroup?
  • Relative Layout
  • Linear Layout
  • Table Layout
  • Grid Layout
  • TextView
  • Button
  • RadioButton
  • CheckBox
  • Switch
  • ToggleButton
  • ImageButton
  • ImageView
  • ProgressBar
  • Seekbar
  • RatingBar
  • Spinner
  • WebView
  • EditText
  • RadioGroup
  • ListView
  • GridView
  • ScrollView
  • VideoView
  • Date & Time related
  • AutoCompleteTextView
  • Create Layout by Programming

Event Handling

  • Basics of Events
  • Event Listener and Callback
  • Multiple Event Listener
  • Gestures
  • Implement Shaker Event
Application Resources in Android
  • What is Resource?
  • Reusability
  • Maintainability
  • Alternatives
  • String resource
  • Color resource
  • Dimension resource
  • Access resource in XML
Access resource in Code
  • Resource directory anim
  • Resource directory color
  • Resource directory drawable
  • Resource directory layout
  • Resource directory menu
  • Resource directory raw
  • Resource directory values
  • What is Fragment?
  • Creating a Fragment
  • Fragment Lifecycle
  • Fragment Management


  • Options menu
  • Context menu
  • Popup menus

Shared Preferences

  • What is Shared Preferences?
  • Save data in Shared Preferences
  • Show data from Shared Preferences
  • Update data in Shared Preferences
  • Delete data from Shared Preferences
Working with Files
  • Internal Storage
  • External Storage

Working with Database

  • Database concepts
  • What is SQLite?
  • Data Types
  • SQLiteOpenHelper
  • SQLiteDatabase
  • Cursor
  • Content Values
  • Create Table
  • Primary key
  • Insert Record
  • Update Record
  • Delete Records
  • Show Records

Content Providers

  • What is Content Provider?
  • Accessing a Content Provider
  • Content URI
  • Content Resolver
  • query()

Android Studio Master/Detail Flow Tutorial

  • The Master/Detail flow
  • Creating a Master/Detail Flow Activity
  • The Anatomy of the Master/Detail Flow Template
  • Modifying the Master/Detail Flow Template
  • Changing the Content Model
  • Changing the Detail Pane


  • Thread Handlers
  • What is UI thread?
  • AsyncTask
Making Runtime Permission Requests
  • Normal Permissions
  • Dangerous Permissions
  • Checking for a Permission
  • Requesting Permission at Runtime

Photo, Audio and Video

  • Taking Photo from Camera (Image Capture)
  • Playing Audio
  • Playing Video

Making Videos

  • Video Recorder
  • Sound Recorder
  • SMS Messaging
  • Sending E-mail with Intenet
  • Sending E-mail without Intenet


  • What is Service?
  • Started Service
  • Bound Service
  • Service Lifecycle

Location & Google map API

  • Display Map
  • Find current latitude, longitude
  • Monitoring Location
  • Fetch location name by Latitude, Longitude
  • Fetch Latitude, Longitude by location name


  • What is Sensors?
  • Show Available Sensors in device
  • Environmental Sensors
  • Motion Sensors (Accelerometer)
  • Position Sensors(Proximity)
Useful Stuff
  • Toast
  • AndroidManifest.xml (uses-permission etc...)
  • Notifications
  • ActionBar
  • Styles & Themes
  • Handling Rotation
  • Animation

Android Tabbed Interface

  • Alarm service
  • Broadcast Receivers
  • Consuming WebService
  • Consuming JSON service
  • Managing Bluetooth
  • Convert HTML5, CSS & Javascript App to android app
  • Debug application in Android Studio
  • Custom Launcher Icon
  • Creating an APK File for Distribution

Android Project

  • Safety app (Emergency helper)
  • Location tracker with web app
  • Music player
  • Whether app
  • Shaker app
  • Background call recorder
  • Database driven app


  • Max 8 Students in a batch
  • Special Focus on Practical
  • Trainer having 9+ year Industrial Experience .
  • Live Practical class on both Emulator and Android Device.
  • Project will be handled by Trainer

Why Tech Altum

  • Skill India Affiliated Training Institute in noida
  • ISO certified Training Institute
  • Run by Ex IIT Alumni
  • Microsoft Registered Training Partner
  • 100% Job Assistance
  • Fully AC Classrooms with Projector
  • Lab Facility with Genuine Softwares.
Avinash Malhotra

Android Trainer Profile

Mr Naveen Arora

10+ Experience in IT Field, 3+ Exp as Android Trainer

More than 100+ Articles and Blogs

  • Done MCA in 2006
  • Total 10+ experience.
  • Till Now Trained 1000+ Candidates.
  • 09015041412
  • 1000+ followers

Free Demo Info

Course Date Time
Android Demo

New Batch Info

Course Date Time
Android New Batch 6-April 01:00 PM


Tech Altum
3rd floor, Om Complex, Sec 15
P.O. Box: 201301
Noida, Uttar Pradesh
Available Discounts ( Max 1 discount per student)
  • Flat 10% Discount on one time payment.
  • Flat 5% Discount if joining on the same day of demo or enquiry.
  • Special discount for group joining.
  • Got someone's reference??, get flat ₹ 500 Discount. .
  • Flat 10% Discount for our old students. .

Some Reviews

Excellent institute for Android Apps Development. Had completed my Android course from Tech Altum, and got placed within 1 week of course completion. Thanks Team Tech Altum.

Rating: 10 out of 10 . Total 300 reviews

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